2014 End of Year Survey

Hey ABQWebGeeks! Thanks for being a part of our community. We really can't say that enough.

Below you will see 3 iframed surveys. We had to do it this way because we have the SurveyMonkey FREE account and they allow 10 questions per survey. This survey has 30 questions total.

These iframes have scrolls. Please scroll within the iframes, answer the questions you want to answer, and hit "done" at the bottom.

The "done" button is below the fold every time. Three of them. Thanks, you're the best.

Did you get to question 10 up there and submit the first 10 questions?

All right then..


Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Did you submit them all?? THA-anks.